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Harris Tweed

Harris Tweed is one of the world’s most iconic fabrics, handwoven by inhabitants of The Outer Hebrides for centuries.

Originally woven by Islanders to protect themselves from the unforgiving North Atlantic climate of the cold and blustery Western Isles of Scotland, Harris Tweed has become the perennial choice for those making premium garments, soft furnishings and accessories the world over.

In order to be Harris Tweed, the fabric must be handwoven by islanders at their homes in The Outer Hebrides, finished in the Outer Hebrides, made using yarn that has been dyed, carded and spun in the Outer Hebrides using 100% virgin wool.

The brand Harris Tweed and the instantly recognisable Orb trademark are property of The Harris Tweed Authority. The HTA are the statutory body that work to ensure the 1993 Harris Tweed Act is upheld, as well as the quality, reputation and good name of the Harris Tweed brand. To visit their website and learn more about the brand follow the link below.


Kenneth Mackenzie Ltd

Originally opened in 1906, we are the oldest Harris Tweed mill in operation and also the only mill independently owned by an Islander.

We use yarn that is exclusive to Kenneth Mackenzie Ltd, ensuring premium quality in all Harris Tweed woven for us. By virtue of our efficient production process we are able to supply this iconic, handwoven fabric at a fair price in wholesale quantities.

With a customer focused service every business client is assigned a dedicated Account Manager. To speak to us about purchasing our Harris Tweed wholesale please fill in the contact form on the Wholesale Enquiries page and we will reply to you as soon as we can.

For retail customers or those looking to buy short lengths of Harris Tweed by Kenneth Mackenzie Ltd you can buy Harris Tweed directly from our online store and enjoy the same standard of service we have given our wholesale customers across the decades. Simply click the button below to visit The Harris Tweed shop to browse our available designs.